-At Thomastown Physiotherapy, our physiotherapists work closely with the surgeons and their preferred protocols to bring each client to their optimum recovery as quickly as possible. -Initially, physiotherapy is valuable to quickly reduce pain and swelling, using such modalities as ice, electrotherapy and soft tissue massage. The physiotherapist will give advice about activity levels and monitor adherence to protocols. -Where indicated, our physiotherapists will use various manual therapy techniques to regain range of movement and function, including Joint Mobilisations, Muscle Energy techniques as well as Deep Tissue Releases. -In conjunction with the specialist’s protocol, our physiotherapists will develop and progress an individual exercise program for each client based on their precise knowledge of the exact type of surgery.
The Benefits of Pre-operative Physiotherapy Include:
• Education about what to expect, so patients will not be afraid to follow prescribed post-operative protocol. • Teaching of appropriate exercises to maintain strength and ROM before surgery. • If the client has good muscle strength and a basic understanding of bio-mechanics beforehand, it is easier to regain their functional movement and strength after surgery
-Pre-operative Physiotherapy is advantageous because generally speaking, the stronger the patient is before surgery, the better they will be after surgery. -If practicable, it is recommended that clients be referred pre-operatively for physiotherapy so they can be prepared mentally and physically for surgery.
The Benefits of Post-operative Physiotherapy Physiotherapy Include:
-At Thomastown Physiotherapy, our physiotherapists work closely with the surgeons and their preferred protocols to bring each client to their optimum recovery as quickly as possible. -Initially, physiotherapy is valuable to quickly reduce pain and swelling, using such modalities as ice, electrotherapy and soft tissue massage. The physiotherapist will give advice about activity levels and monitor adherence to protocols. -Where indicated, our physiotherapists will use various manual therapy techniques to regain range of movement and function, including Joint Mobilisations, Muscle Energy techniques as well as Deep Tissue Releases. -In conjunction with the specialist’s protocol, our physiotherapists will develop and progress an individual exercise program for each client based on their precise knowledge of the exact type of surgery.
-We have a large, well equipped practice with an in-house gym so you can be sure your clients will receive the most up to date, best practice treatment. -It is important that patients take responsibility for their exercises if they are to get optimal results, so education about pain management and coping techniques are an intrinsic part of our treatment. -Our physiotherapists are familiar with the treatment protocols prescribed by most Orthopaedic Surgeons in Melbourne, but we happily and readily liaise with all our referring surgeons to determine any specific requirements you may have for your clients. -We look forward to working with you and your clients.